Monthly Archives: June 2014


hugo thumb pg 23hugo thumb pg 22Two vignettes, one on the upper left, the other on the lower right. This helps to separate the two scenes. I add a big honking capital letter to start each text block.


hugo thumb pg 24

The story ends with the bear asleep, wrapped around Hugo like a big cat. A vertical and   horizontal banner connect to the boxed big “T” and slightly enclose the scene. The monks approach the bear timidly. There will be more spreads to do. The book will end with an author’s note, an illustrator’s note, a historical note and also a glossary.


hugo thumb pg 16hugo thumb pg 17The lefthand page has two scenes and two blocks of text. One scene is boxed and the other is a vignette connected to a horizontal offshoot of the box and vertical banner. The righthand page focuses on Hugo and his presentation to the Abbott. The brothers are seen behind the windows of a gallery. The architectural detail helps to fill out the scene and show all the brothers without cluttering up the composition. Brother  Felix, bringing the brothers’ offerings to Hugo, balances the forground.



hugo thumb pg 14hugo thumb pg 15In the lefthand page I return to a boxed in text area like page one. Here the scenes of Hugo working day and night are separated by architectural details with the bear shown prominently for the first time, snuffling. The righthand page has the scene ( of the brothers coming to complain about the snuffling)  separating the two blocks of text. The big “O” has brother Hugo exclaiming , “It’s done!”



hugo thumb pg 6hugo thumb-pg 7The lefthand page uses a very large capital “B” to enclose a scene of the monk and abbott having their conversation. The text will be shaped around the box. My favorite source for this book (and  Come to the Castle) is the Luttrell  psaltery. The artist for that book employed a design where the left hand side of the page has a decorative vertical banner that is connected to the big decorated first letters of the paragraphs. The banner often has horizontal branches of leaves and fanciful items. These form a border around three sides, almost enclosing the text block. The righthand page here uses that design with the borders enclosing a scene and text.


hugo thumb pg 4hugo thumb pg 5The left hand page is a path through the text. It shows Hugo making his way to the other Monastery. The bear is shown hidden in the shrubbery. A decoration pole is added to the left and connects with the decorated “S”. The right hand page has a design similar to page one with the scene and the text each enclosed by a decorative border. An arrow is drawn to indicate the move of one sentence to the left hand page.